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‘Functional Unemployment’ Jumps 1.3 points in February, Says Ludwig Institute
Higher proportion of earners working part-time involuntarily or for poverty wages

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The number of functionally unemployed workers surged by 1.3 percentage points in February — one of the largest monthly increases in 30 years — despite an official jobless rate that remained largely unchanged, according to the latest True Rate of Unemployment (TRU) report from the Ludwig Institute for Shared Economic Prosperity (LISEP).

The February TRU — a measure of the functionally unemployed, defined as the jobless plus those seeking, but unable to find, full-time employment paying above poverty wages ($25,000 a year in 2024 dollars) after adjusting for inflation — rose from 23.3% to 24.6%. This increase reversed five months of progress for White workers, whose TRU climbed 1.6 percentage points (21.6% to 23.2%). Meanwhile, Hispanic workers saw a slight improvement, dropping from 28.4% to 28.1%, and Black workers experienced a more notable decline, dropping from 27.8% to 26%.

The increase in the TRU is in sharp contrast to official unemployment data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), which reported only a 0.1 percentage point increase, to 4.1%. Even the BLS’ broader measure of unemployment, which accounts for underemployed part-time workers, rose by just 0.5 percentage points. While this explains part of the jump in the TRU, it does not capture a key factor: more full-time workers fell below the poverty wage threshold last month.

“A one-month spike alone isn’t cause for alarm, but a jump of this magnitude is concerning — especially given broader economic uncertainty,” said LISEP Chair Gene Ludwig. “Sustained increases in functional unemployment would signal real trouble for low- and middle-income Americans, many of whom are already struggling to make ends meet."

“We’ll be watching closely in the months ahead to see whether this is an anomaly or the start of a more troubling trend.”

Functional unemployment rose for both men and women, increasing by 1.2 percentage points — climbing from 19% to 20.2% for men and from 28.1% to 29.3% for women. However, the decline in functional employment was more pronounced for men, as their labor force participation rate fell by 0.4 percentage points, while it remained unchanged for women.

"While February’s TRU spike may be a blip, it captures a snapshot of real economic hardship that’s unfolding now," Ludwig said. "The disconnect between official metrics and lived experiences should prompt a closer look at how the economy is really working for everyday Americans."

‘Functional Unemployment’ Jumps 1.3 points in February, Says Ludwig Institute
Higher proportion of earners working part-time involuntarily or for poverty wages
Historically, systemic barriers have disproportionately hampered Black farmers’ ability to retain land ownership.
Despite this tragic history, there is still time and economic incentive to set some of the inequities right.
In 2021, working mothers with children under 18 earned just 61.7 cents for every dollar a father made. Much wider than the overall gender wage gap, this difference highlights both the motherhood penalty and the fatherhood premium.
Female-dominated, low-paying, part-time occupations are overrepresented among informal workers who also have a formal job.
We need to create an economic environment where companies can hire these workers as employees and pay them a living wage. There are steps policymakers can take to change the gig economy dynamic.
Dependency on tips over base pay is growing because of actions taken by gig companies to institute tipping.
Even for those lucky enough to be making what amounts in many states to the poverty wage of $15 per hour, many will get nothing but a week’s notice before being out on the street.
One study shows that consistent involvement in extracurricular activities increased a child’s likelihood of attending college by a whopping 400% compared to not being involved at all.
Studies have found that both men and women are paid less if they work in “nurturant” occupations.
Since 2015, the correlation between LISEP’s functional employment to population ratio and the inflation rate was more than four times as strong as the BLS’s employment to population ratio, which is depicted in the graph below.
The employment to population ratio settles the discrepancy between what we see around us and what the data says.
The NBER paper defines employment using the traditional BLS U-3 rate. However, the often-used U-3 number fails to capture the quality of jobs.
Among states with stricter COVID-19 policies, reducing unemployment benefits had little to no effect. The average effect of increased employment seems to have occurred only in those states with looser COVID protocols.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The number of functionally unemployed workers surged by 1.3 percentage points in February — one of the largest monthly increases in 30 years — despite an official jobless rate that remained largely unchanged, according to the latest True Rate of Unemployment (TRU) report from the Ludwig Institute for Shared Economic Prosperity (LISEP).

The February TRU — a measure of the functionally unemployed, defined as the jobless plus those seeking, but unable to find, full-time employment paying above poverty wages ($25,000 a year in 2024 dollars) after adjusting for inflation — rose from 23.3% to 24.6%. This increase reversed five months of progress for White workers, whose TRU climbed 1.6 percentage points (21.6% to 23.2%). Meanwhile, Hispanic workers saw a slight improvement, dropping from 28.4% to 28.1%, and Black workers experienced a more notable decline, dropping from 27.8% to 26%.

The increase in the TRU is in sharp contrast to official unemployment data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), which reported only a 0.1 percentage point increase, to 4.1%. Even the BLS’ broader measure of unemployment, which accounts for underemployed part-time workers, rose by just 0.5 percentage points. While this explains part of the jump in the TRU, it does not capture a key factor: more full-time workers fell below the poverty wage threshold last month.

“A one-month spike alone isn’t cause for alarm, but a jump of this magnitude is concerning — especially given broader economic uncertainty,” said LISEP Chair Gene Ludwig. “Sustained increases in functional unemployment would signal real trouble for low- and middle-income Americans, many of whom are already struggling to make ends meet."

“We’ll be watching closely in the months ahead to see whether this is an anomaly or the start of a more troubling trend.”

Functional unemployment rose for both men and women, increasing by 1.2 percentage points — climbing from 19% to 20.2% for men and from 28.1% to 29.3% for women. However, the decline in functional employment was more pronounced for men, as their labor force participation rate fell by 0.4 percentage points, while it remained unchanged for women.

"While February’s TRU spike may be a blip, it captures a snapshot of real economic hardship that’s unfolding now," Ludwig said. "The disconnect between official metrics and lived experiences should prompt a closer look at how the economy is really working for everyday Americans."

‍Jim Gardner
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